Keyforge Tokens


The idea behind this design was keep it simple, stay minimal and cut completely through acrylic instead of only etching into it. I previously created a token set similar to this for use in a different game, and overall think the look is interesting, and sets itself apart from other tokens. This design is still in progress, I’d like to make the chain dial notches stand out a little more and make a bigger difference between the single and triple damage tokens. Let me know what you think.

Luke Weisman

I'm a board gamer by night and a graphic designer by day. I'm happiest when I have the opportunity to merge these two worlds together. I love the mental push of problem-solving during a board game and love it even more when I can experience it on a beautifully designed board. 

With my background in design, I work with board game creators on their graphic design needs, and love to selfishly redesign games from scratch.

Jaipur in a day


New Website + New Game