New Site
In an attempt to make this site a little easier to handle I decided to redesign the whole thing from the ground up. In the end I think made it more difficult to update, but for that trade, I ended up with a site I think looks a heck of a lot better. In addition to the new look, I also decided to start this blog.
But what to do with a blog...?
For the most part this space will be used to highlight whatever I'm painting, probably WIP type photos, because in addition to all the Malifaux, I'm also working on a couple other things, a Frostgrave warband, and terrain for my own Malifaux table. I'd also like to branch out and try to either writing up a battle report, video a battle, or do something else that doesn't involve just photos. Not sure what that last thing would be, time will tell.
Catch you later.